Thanks to the Chase the Ace and the Ladies Auxiliary we are able to put new siding on the Legion. Also thanks to all the  volunteers who are helping with the work, great job.
General Information....

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 161, Arborg, Manitoba received it's charter on May 27, 1945. It was formed as a service organization to benefit the returning soldiers of the World War 11 and to recognize the sacrifice of the 17 World War 1 and 26 World War 11 area servicemen.

Legion meetings were first held in the Arborg School. With membership increasing a partially completed building was purchased and renovated. Opening the club room doors July 4, 1954
The popularity of the legion grew resulting in the need for a larger facility. On May 19, 1964 construction commenced on the existing clubrooms, which were completed on the January 6, 1965. The architectural design was modern for its day. Renovations from then have kept the building current and appealing to patrons.

From the time of inception, supporting community initiatives has been at the forefront. Donations to the community amount to a total of over $150,000.00 since 1996. Substantial ones made to the Credit Union Aquatic Centre, Arborg Arena, Curling Club and Community Hall, Riverton Community Centre, Riverdale Place Homes, Riverdale Workshop, Riverton Minor Hockey, Red Cross, Arborg Rod and Gun, Chilifest, Legion Athletic Camp, Arborg Ice Dawgs, Arborg Skating Club, just to name a few.